Creating Custom Dashboard Widgets

1 min. readlast update: 02.11.2025

To create a custom message widget on the candidate dashboard you will need to have super admin permissions. If you have issues please contact


When signed in as a candidate, hover over the top left of the dashboard until "Edit Dashboard" appears.  



Click the + icon on the top right of the edit dashboard.  



  1. Select "Custom Message" in the Widget Type drop down. 
  2. Create your title in Widget Title. Uncheck "Widget Title Visible" if you do not want a title. 
  3. Select "New Message" in the Message Option drop down. 
  4. Insert your message text, images or HTML in Message Text. 
  5. Select the permission groups you want to view this widget. Often this will be "Student - Active" and "Alumni" 
  6. Click Save. 




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