Login background and Logo Image Specifications

1 min. readlast update: 08.07.2024

Logo Specifications:

  • 300x100 pixels (max) – 3:1 ratio works better than square logos
  • Full Color with Transparent background is best
  • .PNG or .JPG format preferred
  • Vector-based files re-size more cleanly



Note: This login screen is available to any user that logs in directly to the GLCC system - which includes most Admins and Employers.  If the user utilizes single sign-on to log in through another site (like many student users), they will not see this image.  



Login Background Specifications: 

  • Image size: 2560 x 1440 
  • Quality: Images with high DPI will give the best results
  • File type: .png (best) and .jpg 

To include any specific help or technical instructions, there are two options:

  1. Add the text to the ?Help menu in the Login box. 
  2. Include the text in the image that is submitted.

To have an image uploaded, send the image (and help text if you want it under the ?Help menu) us at Support@gradleaders.com

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