2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

2 min. readlast update: 11.08.2023

 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) 

Username and password login is increasingly insecure since many people reuse passwords, and passwords are constantly leaked in data breaches. 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) is an electronic authentication method in which a user is granted access to a website or application only after successfully presenting a second piece of evidence to authenticate. 

GradLeaders offers email as a second factor for login verification. If enabled, upon login, a user will be emailed a system generated code that they must enter to complete authentication. A few advantages: 

  • Email is familiar. Users are accustomed to providing their email for important account updates and password reset emails. 
  • Email is easy to onboard. It doesn’t require another app or any additional configuration. 
  • Email is existing personally identifiable information (PII). Your users won’t have to provide additional PII, like a phone number. 

You have the option of enabling 2FA for your entire organization, or by audience (students, employers, staff). Screen messaging and email text can be customized for each audience. 

If you choose to use this security tool, you can make 2FA required or optional per audience. If required, users will be forced to use 2FA upon their next login. They have the option to remember each device for up to 90 days. If optional, users can remove the 2FA requirement themselves. 

Additional 2FA options will be made available in the future. 

Contact your CRM to enable 2 Factor Authentication.  

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