Adding new Admin Users

3 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

First step in adding a new admin is to navigate to Configuration then to "Manage users" or " Manage System Users".


Here you'll arrive where all admin users are located, from here you can edit permissions, subscriptions and disable/enable logins. In order to add a new admin user you'll want to click on 'Next Actions' then click on 'Add User'.


Once you click on 'Add user' you'll get a prompt to set a new username, email and permissions. You'll want to make sure that at least one permission and subscription is selected.


Once you're done you can hit save and there you go! you've created a new admin user and they will be able to login to the admin interface.

Frequently asked questions

Q.) I'm getting a message saying that the username/email already exists and it isn't letting me create a new user, what do I do?

A.) Only one username/email per account is the rule which is why you are getting that message, still though you can add them but instead you'll want to close the prompt and go back to 'Next Actions' > 'Attach Existing user'. This will allow you to create admin accounts in the event that the user in question already has an account in use.


Q.) What permission should I give?

A.) In general the permissions should be named to relate to what they give access too but can differ slightly across platforms. For example if you want someone to not be able to edit any information make sure you select "...-View" version of a permission, this isn't always the case though and if you are ever confused on what permissions do what feel free to hop into chat and we can take a look to provide some clarification.

Q.) Can I change or add new permissions?

A.) You aren't able to but we can do it on our end. In the event you wish to make changes you can send a request to with details on what permission group you want to change/add along with what you want it to give access to.

Q.) How can I reset their password?

A.) From the Actions column you can click on the little ID card and that will both reset the admins password and email them a link to login to update their password.

Q.) I have a question that isn't here

A.) Feel free to hop into chat or email us at and we'd be more than happy to help with any questions you might have!

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