The format below is listed as Email ID # - Send/Delivery Trigger - Recipient - Template Name. Email or your Customer Success Manager if you have questions. Extensive configuration available for your processes and terminology.
General Templates:
Email ID 310 - Automatic - Admin- Co-op Reported by Student
- Sends to Admin upon a Candidate submitting their co-op record.
Email ID 374 - Automatic - Candidate - Co-op Reported Confirmation To Student
- Sends to Candidate to confirm they've successfully submitted their co-op record.
Email ID 400 - Automatic - Candidate - Candidate Co-op Status Changed To Active
- Sends to Candidate to notify them that their co-op record has been reviewed and updated to Active/Approved status.
Approval Workflow Templates:
Email ID 363 - Automatic - Candidate - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required – Candidate
- Approval workflow is initiated and Candidate is the current approver/step.
Email ID 369 - Automatic - Candidate - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Reminder – Candidate
- Approval workflow step is still pending and reminder email is sent according to the following setting (in # of days): Co-op Approval Reminder Email Interval
- If set to 0, no reminder email is sent.
Email ID 300 - Automatic - Employer - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required – Company Contact
- Approval workflow is initiated and Company Contact is the current approver/step.
Email ID 301 - Automatic - Employer - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Reminder – Company Contact
- Approval workflow step is still pending and reminder email is sent according to the following setting (in # of days): Co-op Approval Reminder Email Interval
- If set to 0, no reminder email is sent.
Email ID 364 - Automatic - Employer - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required – Company Supervisor
- Approval workflow is initiated and Company Supervisor is the current approver/step.
Email ID 370 - Automatic - Employer - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Reminder – Company Supervisor
- Approval workflow step is still pending and reminder email is sent according to the following setting (in # of days): Co-op Approval Reminder Email Interval
- If set to 0, no reminder email is sent.
Email ID 366 - Automatic - Admin/Manager- Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required – Primary Co-op Manager
- Approval workflow is initiated and Primary Co-op Manager is the current approver/step.
Email ID 372 - Automatic - Admin/Manager- Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Reminder – Primary Co-op Manager
- Approval workflow step is still pending and reminder email is sent according to the following setting (in # of days): Co-op Approval Reminder Email Interval
- If set to 0, no reminder email is sent.
Email ID 367 - Automatic - Admin/Advisor - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required – Secondary Co-op Manager
- Approval workflow is initiated and Secondary Co-op Manager is the current approver/step.
Email ID 373 - Automatic - Admin/Advisor - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Reminder – Secondary Co-op Manager
- Approval workflow step is still pending and reminder email is sent according to the following setting (in # of days): Co-op Approval Reminder Email Interval
- If set to 0, no reminder email is sent.
Email ID 362 - Automatic - Advisor - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required – Advisor
- Approval workflow is initiated and Advisor is the current approver/step.
Email ID 368 - Automatic - Advisor - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Reminder – Advisor
- Approval workflow step is still pending and reminder email is sent according to the following setting (in # of days): Co-op Approval Reminder Email Interval
- If set to 0, no reminder email is sent.
Email ID 365 - Automatic - Other Contact as defined in workflow - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required – Other
- Approval workflow is initiated and Other Approver (as defined in workflow) is the current approver/step.
Email ID 371 - Automatic - Other Contact as defined in workflow - Co-op Approval Workflow – Approval Required Reminder – Other
- Approval workflow step is still pending and reminder email is sent according to the following setting (in # of days): Co-op Approval Reminder Email Interval
- If set to 0, no reminder email is sent.
Email ID 375 - Automatic - Candidate, Employer, Admin - Co-op Approval Workflow – Step Approved
- Sends to the respective approver to confirm they've approved the approval step, and to retain the email for their records.
Email ID 299 - Automatic - Refer to Workflow Stakeholder Setting - Co-op Approval Workflow – Step Rejected
- Sends to the Workflow Stakeholder(s) when an approval step is rejected.
Email ID 298 - Automatic - Refer to Workflow Stakeholder Setting - Co-op Approval Workflow – Complete
- Sends to the Workflow Stakeholder(s) when the last approval step in the workflow is completed.
Survey/Evaluation Templates:
Email ID 307 - Agent - Candidate - Co-op Evaluation Notification For Student
- Sends to Candidate according to Survey Start Date in the Semester Setup or Feedback Setup on the co-op record.
Email ID 309 - Agent - Candidate - Co-op Evaluation Reminder For Student
- Sends to Candidate according to Survey Reminder Date in the Semester Setup or Feedback Setup on the co-op record. Will continue to send according to the Reminder Interval (in # of Days).
Email ID 302 - Automatic - Candidate - Co-op Evaluation Completed by Employer
- Sends to the Candidate to make them aware that the Employer has completed an evaluation for their co-op.
Email ID 305 - Automatic - Candidate - Co-op Evaluation Completion Confirmation For Student
- Sends to the Candidate to confirm they've completed and submitted their evaluation of the co-op.
Email ID 306 - Agent - Employer - Co-op Evaluation Notification For Employer
- Sends to the linked Employer contact according to Survey Start Date in the Semester Setup or Feedback Setup on the co-op record.
Email ID 308 - Agent - Employer - Co-op Evaluation Reminder For Employer
- Sends to the linked Employer contact according to Survey Reminder Date in the Semester Setup or Feedback Setup on the co-op record. Will continue to send according to the Reminder Interval (in # of Days).
Email ID 303 - Automatic - Employer - Co-op Evaluation Completed by Student
- Sends to the linked Employer contact to make them aware that the Candidate has completed an evaluation for their co-op.
Email ID 304 - Automatic - Employer - Co-op Evaluation Completion Confirmation For Employer
- Sends to the linked Employer contact to confirm they've completed and submitted their evaluation of the co-op.