How to Access Embedded Looker Reports as an Admin & Student

4 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

GLCC offers advanced analytics reports powered by Looker in the Admin interface.  These reports are in addition to the Metrics dashboards for Email, Candidate Activity, Job Posting Activity, Employment Reporting, Advising/ Coaching and Employer Engagement.  These reports can be filtered and sent out on demand or as scheduled

Permissions: Any Admin User with the Looker Reports permission will have access to this menu.

Standard Reports

How to Access and Filter Looker Reports

All are accessible through Reports > Metrics Dashboard.

The Standard Reports are accessed through Reports > Metrics Dashboard > Looker Reports

NOTE: Standard Reports will vary by school type. 


To access, click on the report name, ex. Advising Monthly Fill Rates - Year over Year


The report pulls your school's data which can be filtered to meet your specific requirements. 


To filter data, change parameters and click on Run.


A report reflecting new data filters is generated.


How to Download, Send or Schedule a Report

Click on the Gear in the top right.


Download as PDF or CSV - click here to export the data. 

How to send the report in an email

Click Send to have the report sent to specific email addresses.

Select a Title for the email.  It will default to the name of the report but can be changed. 

Who should it be emailed to? - enter email address of recipients and click Add after each. 

To include a custom message in the body of the email, click on Include a Custom Message... and enter text. 


Select a format - options include PDF, Visualization (graphical result) or CSV ZIP file. 

Select Filters (see image below).

Select Advanced options:

  • Email Options - include links will insert a link to Looker to view the report.  Only users with a Looker license would be able to see the report in Looker. 
  • Format Options - select Use single column layout to send an image of the full report within the email body. 


Click Send.

Email Format settings and Email Message Results

CSV Options




Message format


 PDF Options



Message format


Visualization Options



Message Format


How to Schedule the Report to be Sent Later

This option is similar to Send (see Above) but includes fields to schedule the emails to be sent on a recurring basis. 


In the left pane, a list appears with all of the Schedules created for this report.  Click on New after setting your parameters to create a new schedule. 

Use Deliver this Schedule to select the frequency of the emails.  Below that, select the day and time to send it.   At the bottom of the screen is a Send Test button.  This will send a test message to the designated email address and keep the window open.  After verifying the test, the report schedule can be saved or cancelled.

How to add a report to the Metrics menu or to a student dashboard

Click on the arrow in the Action column next to the report to be added.  

Select Audience

  • Admin - adds the report to the Metrics menu. 
    • Click Admin.
    • Click Save.
    • Select Permission Group.  Admins within this group (ex. Looker Reports) will be given access.  Click Save.
    • Report then appears as a separate menu item in the Metrics dropdown.


  • Students - adds a widget displaying the report to the student dashboard
    • Note: Only students with the Data Analytics permission in their permission group can view the widget.
    • Click on Students.
    • Click Save.
    • Select Programs. Save.
    • Select Permission Groups. Save.
    • If you log in as student in this program and permission group, the report is available as a menu item in the Data Analytics Menu



Custom Reports

Displays any custom Looker reports that have been designated to appear here.  This can be done by any school with a Looker license.  Custom reports can also be built by GradLeaders per school specifications for an additional fee.  Talk to anyone on the GradLeaders team or email support,, to learn more.  

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