To start off, you'll want to Navigate to Import Projects, this will typically be under the 'Other Activities' Header
Once you are at this page, to create a new Import Project you'll want to go to 'Next Actions' > 'Create Project'.
Page Breakdown
Name: Name of the import project, ex. New Freshman import
Type: Type of field being imported, ex. Candidate or Student
Update Mode:
- Update and Create : used when you want to update any existing profiles and create new profiles
- Create New Only : will skip any existing profiles that are found and only create new information
- Update Only : used to batch update existing profiles and will not create new profiles
Overwrite with Null Values:
- Yes = Empty/null value from Import file will overwrite GLCC data
- No = GLCC data will be kept, even when a field value is empty/null in the import file
Candidate Set: Also commonly referred to as PID/Cohort, here you choose where you wish to add/edit data
Match Student: For updates, indicates which field from theimport file to match to the student record
Default OCR Status: Set to desired status (NOTE: Do not apply OCR Status to updated records – If Update Mode is Update or Create and Update, the OCR Status will not be changed in rows that are updated.)
Project Status: Indicates whether the import project is active or inactive.
Deliver Log file to: Email to send the log file when completed.
Created by: This will display the admin user who created the project.
Import File
Import File format:
Accepted formats include .csv, .xls, and .xlsx. For a sample file, click on Download Sample File in the Import File Box.
Columns indicate a data item to match in GLCC. A row is created for each record. The system will automatically map any field where the column name matches a GLCC question exactly. Others can be mapped manually.
Fields in the import file that are to be mapped to "List" questions should use a SEMICOLON delimiter for multiple answers. In addition, TIERED answers should be delimited by a PIPE.
For example: Accounting|Other;Consulting;Sales;Finance
***NOTE - For GradLeaders Control imports, tiered answers are delimited by a "greater than" character (>). Example. Accounting>Income Tax
For a given row within an import, any validation failure results in all changes for that row being ignored.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For Candidates, the file must contain a first name, last name, email address and username. If one of these question fields does not exist in the student profile, it must be created on the Candidate Survey.
File Upload
In the Import File menu to the right, click on Upload.
Click on Choose File to browse for the file. Browse for file. Select and click on Open.
Take note that once you upload a file the prompt will change to be like it is below, you don't want to click on 'Create Task & Run Import' until you double check the project mapping
Project Field Map:
Once you upload your spreadsheet the project mappings will update to have the columns from your file.
If the names match the target questions will populate automatically but if they don't you'll have to manually set a target question so that the data from the spreadsheet is uploaded to the correct question within system.
NOTE: The project field map will go into read only and no longer be editable once you run the task so you'll want to make sure everything is set properly beforehand
Common Errors
Getting the above message when you try to run the import means that either the Email or the Username (whichever the Match Student field is set to usually) is blank and needs a mapping:
If you have any questions as to what to set these fields to, feel free to hop into chat and we would be more than happy to help!
Once you Create the task and run the import, it will appear under the 'Tasks' tab along with its status. once its done processing you will be able to see that if it completed without errors or completed with errors. If you run into issues and need assistance troubleshooting the import make sure you click on the task ID to get the log file and send both that and the spreadsheet you imported to and we will be more than happy to help you!
The IMPORT PROJECT DETAILS screen with the Task Log tab is now visible. The Task Log indicates the import ID, Status, Created by, Start Date, Type, and # of Records. Once processed, the # of records Processed and # of records Skipped statuses will be indicated.
Optional: Secure FTP (sFTP) Transfer
With the custom upload function, there is the option to have automated transfer and processing of upload files. Clients can set up an automated transfer of the file from their server to ours, and as long as a custom upload project exists for it, the file will process automatically after midnight.
To request an sFTP data import
Send your set up request to and you will be given access to the secure FTP site. They will also make changes to your school settings to indicate that you would like to use the FTP file transfer option.
You will not need to manually schedule any student uploads because they will be automatically uploaded as part of your process. It is STRONGLY advised that you run a few test uploads to verify that your Custom Project is setup correctly.
The file name for a custom upload sent to the secure FTP site is created from the Project Name. (NOTE: If this sFTP filename does not appear on the Details tab, the system is not configured for FTP upload. Contact to set this up or if you have any questions),